3E Performance have officially launched the ‘3e Navigator’ for CEOs and senior managing directors. Designed specifically for new CEO appointments the 3e Navigator is a step-by-step process to assist smooth migration... read more
Early in our careers, up to 80% of successful performance is dependent on ourselves and 20% is dependent on others. At this level all we need is strong technical skills and a measure of interpersonal skills to a more or less extent. As we grow higher in organisational leadership, we get to a point where more than 80% of successful performance is dependent on others and 20% is dependent on our skills and even this 20% is about making others successful. Here, we require essentially leadership and relationship skills.
Relationships are where leadership is developed. However, the way relationships occur to us is that they are for our pleasure. This is the reason that there is so much frustration in relationships, often motivating dysfunctional behaviours, when relationships people are in are not going their way. The way relationships occur to us must change for us to be able to strengthen our relationships, including work relationships with colleagues, bosses or subordinates. We may have happy times and pleasure in them but they are to develop us and build our character.
The difficulty is that because relationships occur to us as being there to provide us pleasure, we are often so preoccupied with thinking of how to get out of them or change the other person to suit us that we completely lose the opportunity they provide for us to learn and develop character. Relationships are a full-length mirror in which we are to see ourselves. It brings out and reveals what was already in us. It is true; people bring out the best or the worst in us.
Our interventions help people to see themselves as they are when others bring out "the best or the worst in them", support them in making necessary adjustments by doing what is needs to be done so that they can occur to themselves as better than before. This is how self-development in leadership occurs.